From The Blog

Peanuts – A Tale Exposing Cost Accounting

Allocating costs is such a normal way of doing business these days – but for many of us, it doesn’t pass the smell test.  For a long time, I couldn’t understand exactly why – then I found this article that describes it perfectly. Watch what happens when the Cost Accountants show us that overhead should […]

Multitasking is a Myth

“WHAT?” [You say with disdain and incredulity.] “Everyone knows that the most effective people can handle multiple tasks at once! In fact, it’s a requirement in my job, and I’m so good at it because I can multi-task!” Well – let’s think about that… Are we really multi-tasking, or are we possibly instead doing several […]

The Lean Dilemma

Lean and Six Sigma are revolutionary improvement methodologies – but why do so many shops fail to see the impact to the bottom line?

The answer is hidden in plain sight - once you apply what we have discovered, you will be able to posture your shop with an incredible competitive advantage. [LINK]


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